Why Liberty?

The Teaching Entrepreneurship and Anti-Poverty Movement (TEAM) has just concluded it’s first ever night time enlightening and enjoyable discussion seminar with high school students. It is Why Liberty dialogue Series 3. The program was scheduled at this night time because it comes from the student’s side unexpectedly. The former participants on our program drove and motivated these students to come to us. The students went with a complimentary copy of WHY LIBERTY and the CD of the Ideas for a Free Society, to share it with their friends, family and teachers. Our scheduled program will be held on time in Diredawa at Diredawa University. However, TEAM is trying to organize the first ever liberty camp if we raise the necessarily funding, but would not have any other outreach program in December 2013. TEAM devoted December to evaluate and monitor the implementation of its program, searching more local partners, facilitating the publication of articles and books and preparing for the New Year program based upon the lessons learned.



Posted in Africa, Countries, Ethiopia, Highlights.

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