Student meeting in Ethiopia run by TEAM as part their Foundations of Human Flourishing seminar series continues to attract young entrepreneurs and students eager to learn how economic freedom alleviates poverty more than foreign aid?
Mid Year Report from TEAM (Teaching of Entrepreneurship in Antipoverty Movement) in Ethiopia.
We are very pleased to release our mid-year report on the 30th of June 2014. It is also less than six months away and preparations are in full swing around all our networks to furthering the mission throughout the year aims to help cement the pro-liberty and pro-free-market ideas we believe in with students and strengthen their roots in pro-liberty and free market thought.
Our mission is gaining ground and greatly accepting by university students and young people across the country. It was very difficult to talk about private property rights and land ownership openly during we started job. Now it is a hot issue across the country and many are demanding the rights of private land ownership. Thanks to the efforts of TEAM and its liberty enthusiastic members, the idea is being propagated to all people via university students where we have been establishing more than 11 student groups across the nation’s universities. We are already shaking up the public opinion which also leads to further the momentum and increase the acceptance of the ideas by the society.
As part of Breaking the Impasse to Learn Liberty project (BILL), once again TEAM is committed to empower students on how a society could develop harmoniously in a non-centralized free economic and social order that could have a positive impact on achieving its goals of removing government indoctrination against liberalism and increasing the scope and magnitude of liberty.
Thanks to your generous funding, we have had a tremendous impact on thousands of students and the younger generation by educating them about the proper moral foundations for liberty, ideas for a free society, challenging conventional thinking, and enabling them to get to know each other and form friendships.
Please take a few minutes to learn about the impact of TEAM, to add your comments and also see how you can help TEAM thrive and expand our work and impact. Our work since January 2014 is highlighted in our mid-year report here
As all of these highlighted works are the impacts of your investment. We’d love to have you join with us today in providing support for even greater impact! We would like all friends of liberty to take a minute and consider supporting us to scale up our work. Please think about the value of our movement in extending and contributing global freedom. Please make a generous contribution of whatever you can afford to help grow and expand our reach and activities. Please donate here today! Thank you so much for your support.