An Introduction to Free Society Values in D.R.Congo

Bindu Espoire from the D.R.Congo was inspired by the text of Foundations of a Free Society on the French edition of the CD ‘Ideas for a Free Society’, which he was given when first in contact with Students for Liberty. He became involved in the Burundi chapter of Students for […]

CDE Great Lakes. Burundi, Rwanda and D.R Congo 2019

Intensive training 30 students and separately 25 journalists Extensive Business  etc 120 Media 18 on radio and TV. The Francophone Symposium was a series of two-day roundtables where the motto was the interactivity between minds engaged in promoting and defending the ideas of freedom and responsibility in Francophone Africa in […]

The Great Lakes branch of Students for Liberty

“How to Eradicate the Barriers to Prosperity and Opportunity in Burundi, Rwanda and DR Congo” was the topic for the 3rd annual essay contest run by the Great Lakes branch of Students for Liberty and supported by NFS. Director Aimable Manirakize said that quiz contests were a completely new idea […]

Democratic Republic of Congo

Led by Aimable Manirakize Students for Liberty Burundi set up the first SFL chapter in the DRC in 2016 and in 2017 they visited the 6 towns where there are university chapters spending a total of 15 days and holding seminars and discussions and ending with a quiz contest between […]