Conference in Kenya in January 2017

Freedom and entrepreneurship are much needed in Ethiopia and TEAM (Teaching of Entrepreneurship on Anti Poverty Movement) is focussed on promoting understanding of them . In the photo in September 2016 you can see their Chairperson, and student leaders who met and discussed about the road for a prosperous society. […]

Activities of TEAM and Students for Liberty in Ethiopia 2014

The Freedom (TEAM) School was aimed to gather students & young professionals who want to understand and promote the ideas of classical liberal philosophy. The School covered topics that include the moral foundation of freedom, the sources of rights, private property rights, free trade and individual liberty. Please click here […]

Foundations of Human Flourishing Seminar Series

Student meeting in Ethiopia run by TEAM as part their Foundations of Human Flourishing seminar series continues to attract young entrepreneurs and students eager to learn how economic freedom alleviates poverty more than foreign aid? Mid Year Report from TEAM (Teaching of Entrepreneurship in Antipoverty Movement) in Ethiopia. We are […]

Why Liberty?

The Teaching Entrepreneurship and Anti-Poverty Movement (TEAM) has just concluded it’s first ever night time enlightening and enjoyable discussion seminar with high school students. It is Why Liberty dialogue Series 3. The program was scheduled at this night time because it comes from the student’s side unexpectedly. The former participants on […]

St.Mary’s University College

The second seminar at St.Mary’s University College was different from the previous evening because it was done without any fear by the authority. The Academic Vice President-Tedla Halle hosted Adedayo in his office and they had extensive discussions on issues bordering Africa especially why we remain poor. At, they […]

Addis Ababa University

At Addis Ababa University, students came into the hall as expected and were already waiting before we could finish setting up. The participants on the registration list were 67 but over 100 were seated in the hall. Our anchor in Addis Ababa later revealed that lecturers were also present. Adedayo […]


“Creating the Pathways to Prosperity” in Ethiopia, a Seminar as held first at Addis Ababa University and secondly at St. Mary’s University College on consecutive days in April. Adedayo Thomas met an academic from one of the universities in Addis Abeba on his way to Tanzania and explained the trips […]