Sub-Saharan Africa Seminar

In October 2017 NFS held a Liberty Fund type event in Kenya called the African Young Scholars Colloquium. We met for dinner on the first night followed by two inspiring days of discussion on Liberty, Social Thinking and Constitutional Government led by Dr Stephen Davies, Director of Education at the […]

Winners of Ideas Lab Competition

The East Africa Policy Centre in Kenya ran an ‘Idea Lab’ competition in 2014 supported by Network for a Free Society. It was designed to interest students in the East Africa region in the social and economic problems they face and to encourage them to try and understand the causes […]

Celebrating Freedom African Style!

Celebrating freedom African style. Here is the Sept 23rd 7.5 km Freedom March led by from the National Library to the Sarit Centre in Nairobi to start the17th Kenyan International Book Fair. Adedayo said that four days of fruitful discussion followed creating awareness with school and university students as […]

The Caravan of Liberty

The Caravan of Liberty - Kenya seminars between 23rd October and 30th October 2013, had a considerable measure of success. The experience of Mr. Olumayowa and Isack Danford went along way into helping The Caravan of liberty - Kenya gain experience in carrying out libertarian events and outreaches. Within the […]

Liberty Bus without Break Pad!

Liberty Bus without a Breakpad from Uganda to Eastern Kenya, the African Road Caravan rolls up. African Liberty Students Organization (ALSO) chapters in Kenya, Rwanda and Kenya are set to kick off East Africa Road Caravan between October 27 and November 8, 2013. The Caravan kicks off from Uganda and […]