Congratulations to all involved in the recent SUMMER SCHOOL IN MALI ” Principals and mechanism of Market Economy: African Zoom” Bamako 2-11 August 2105 36 dynamic civil society leaders were selected from 200 who applied for the interactive training which included exercises debates and reading circles.     It was […]

Book Clubs “Vivre Ensemble” in Mali

Only two years ago Mali was involved in civil war and August 2014 saw the first ever attempt to engage teachers and students there on the principles and foundations of free societies. Since then several summer schools have been run and these events use texts from the French edition of […]

French CD’s Arrive in Mali

Mali was only recently involved in civil war, per capita income is $670 and 92% of the population is Muslim. There are very few books for the universities so the CD will be used by the students who the Arab Center for Scientific Research is now introducing to the values and […]