A Breakthrough into the Universities in Tanzania

In 2020 free market think tank Liberty Sparks first published classical liberal books in Swahili which is widely spoken in Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi and South Sudan. The books were Adam Smith: A Primer and an Introduction to Capitalism by Eamonn Butler and published by the IEA. Dissemination was […]

Liberty Sparks Promoting Freedom in Tanzania

NFS supported Liberty Sparks programs in 2020 including the translation and publishing of 2 primer type classical liberal books, a webinar series, a student essay competition, journalist training, a conference and a six series radio programme 2 books were translated, published and disseminated.  1400 copies printed. 2000 CDs were printed […]

Liberty Sparks and the Tanzanian Learning Week 2019

An action packed week was organised in June by Evans Exaud and the Liberty Sparks team. The week started with Media training with 200 applicants for 30 places. 20 were selected because of their radio and TV experience and 11 were journalists and students of journalism who have shown interest […]

The Great Free Market Event in Tanzania

The Free Market Great Debate is the first ever libertarian contest in Tanzania, designed to input free-market ideas to university students and give them a unique opportunity to debate issues and views around the theme of “morality of capitalism” based on the book edited by Dr Tom Palmer and published […]