Supporting Freedom in Afghanistan

NFS has been supporting the Afghan Economic and Legal Studies Organisation in its promotion of the values of tolerance and individual freedom as the foundation for peace since it was founded in 2009.   Principally this has been through their translation and dissemination of classical liberal texts in hard and soft […]

Islam and Liberty Discussions in Kabul 2020

NFS supported a number of projects in Afghanistan in 2020 through the Afghan Economic and Legal Studies Organisation (AELSO).  These included the AELSO Academy Project, Silk Road Radio Station and printing and distribution of books and a mini library of classical liberal texts on a CD. 635 participants at the […]

Kabul conference, Peace, Liberty and Prosperity

The Aelso Academy This is the latest program of the Afghanistan Economic and Legal Studies Organization which has 17 years experience of promoting a free society in Afghanistan. It started this summer and will work for the promotion and education of individual freedom, market economy, human rights, rule of law, […]

The Tolerance and Prosperity Caravan in Afghanistan

Our long term partners The Afghan Economic and Legal Studies Organisation (AELSO) planned an ambitious Tolerance and Prosperity Caravan for autumn 2018 – spring 2019. The aim was to promote democracy, liberty, tolerance and opposition to radicalism in four provinces outside Kabul and increase understanding of these concepts and other […]

Bold Outreach in Afghanistan

Our long term partners The Afghan Economic and Legal Studies Organisation (AELSO) planned an ambitious Tolerance and Prosperity Caravan for autumn 2018 and spring 2019. Their aim is to promote democracy, liberty, tolerance and opposition to radicalism in four provinces outside Kabul and increase understanding of these concepts and other […]

The Afghanistan Economic and Legal Studies Organisation

The third generation of AELSO Human Rights Club officially started and 38 young people will be introduced to the ideas of liberty in the next 3 months The White Movement is another organisation inspired by the work of AELSO and working closely with them and the Silk Road Radio. They […]

The Afghanistan Economic and Legal Studies Organisation

The Afghanistan Economic and Legal Studies Organisation, AELSO was set up in Kabul in 2009. Its mission is to promote the values of economic freedom and responsibilities which includes strengthening the institutions of the free-market economy, such as clear definition of, and respect, for property, and promotion of freedom of […]

The Afghanistan Economic and Legal Studies Organisation

The Afghanistan Economic and Legal Studies Organisation, AELSO was set up in Kabul in 2009. Its mission is to promote the values of economic freedom and responsibilities which includes strengthening the institutions of the free-market economy, such as clear definition of, and respect, for property, and promotion of freedom of […]

Silk Road Station Report

Silk Road Station Report January 2016 - October 2016 Silk Road Online Radio & TV The Silk Road Station is an initiative of AELSO by support of Network for a Free Society & Atlas foundation that launched on 2015 as one of the productive way to reach communities, youth groups, […]

The Afghanistan Economic and Legal Studies Organisation

The Afghanistan Economic and Legal Studies Organisation (AELSO) is run by M Abul Ahrar Ramizpoor. During 2016 they continued to build their online Silk Road Radio Station which promotes free society values and helps to counteract violent extremism. It is a unique program to enable and encourage an exchange of […]