Indonesia: Translation of The Introduction to Capitalism

Suara Kebebasan printed 250 copies of the Indonesian translation of The Introduction to Capitalism and they have promoted it both on line and at events. They held an essay competition on capitalism and freedom, based on the translated book. The 10 best submissions had their articles on the Suara Kebebasa […]

Indonesia: The Islamic Case for Religious Freedom

The 7th Annual International Islam and Liberty Network’s two day conference on the Islamic Case for Religious Freedom was held in Jakarta on 11th & 12th November 2019. The Islam and Liberty Network were partnered by Fatayat Nahdlatul Ulama, Indonesia; International Institute of Advanced Islamic Studies (IAIS); Malaysia Religious Freedom Institute, USA.

About 100 participated including 25 speakers and presenters from Indonesia, Pakistan, Finland, Malaysia, Australia, Iran, Tunisia, India, Bangladesh, Nepal and the USA. Topics included the keynote speech on Freedom of Religion and Apostasy: Issues, Responses and Developments, and sessions on The Theory and Theology of Religious Freedom; Religious Freedom and Constitutional Frameworks; Religious Freedom, Harmony and Inclusion; Blasphemy Law: Issues and Challenges; Religious, Political and Economic Freedom; Inter-relationships; Non-Muslims in Muslim Majority Countries and Muslim and non-Muslim relationships.

Discussions on Islam and Freedom in Indonesia

In 2017 NFS funded Suara Kebebasan to translate Islamic Foundations of a Free Society (Originally published by the Institute of Economic Affairs) into Indonesian and publish it in hard copy. During 2018 here have been a number of events to explore and promote it including a launch on March 15, […]

The Indonesia Institute

The Indonesia Institute translated Islamic Foundations of a Free Society published by the IEA and edited by Dr Nouh El Harmouzi and Linda Whetstone. Hard copies are being referenced to reading clubs, discussion groups of students or like-minded organisations. For instance Indonesian Institute “Afternoon Coffee for Freedom” sessions and MISES […]

The Centre for Indonesian Policy Studies

2017 is the first year we have funded projects in Indonesia but as it is the country with the largest Muslim population in the world we were keen to support the Centre for Indonesian Policy Studies (CIPS) and the Indonesia Institute in their work to promote civil, political and economic […]

Jakarta Freedom Library

The Freedom Library in Jakarta is run by the Freedom Institute for Democracy, Nationalim and Market Economy Studies. ( It includes a wide range of books for students and the CD “Ideas for a Free Society” are always available for them to have their own copy.

Lido Lakes Hotel

Akademi Merdeka ran a workshop series in Indonesia at the Lido Lakes Hotel (Bogor) from February 26th to 29th, 2010. The topic was “Introducing the Basics of Classical Liberalism (Series) and the texts on the CD provided the basis for the discussions.        


“The team, in partnership with the Indonesian Freedom Institute (, organised an event to promote the Ideas for a Free Society CD on Tuesday 8 February 2011. The event was held in Sukabumi, which is about four hours drive from Jakarta, Indonesia. Thirty students participated and the team conducted […]

Wisma Proklamasi, Jakarta

On January 13th 2011 a seminar was held at Wisma Proklamasi, Jakarta. The topic was Migrant Workers and the Wealth of Nations and the speakers were Wahyu Susilo (Migrant rights activist, Care International) Ari A. Perdana (Economist, Staff at Vice President’s Task Force for Poverty Reduction). Nirwan A. Arsuka (Freedom […]