Nepal: Bikalpa Student Engagement Project 2019 – 2020

Bikalpa conducted orientation programs in colleges and then selected the most interested students for their Workshops on Opening Market Promoting Entrepreneurship, in Biratnagar Nepal. The aim was to increase their personal capacities and equip them with a basic understanding of public policy and political economy issues including the value of […]

Two Further Projects in Nepal

Bikalpa: An Alternative is a think tank in Biratnagar whose mission is to protect the individual rights of Nepalese citizens and advocate for policies that increase economic freedom through research, education and public engagement. NFS has supported their Liberty Discussion program in 2018 and also training in India for some […]

Samriddhi Foundation Nepal

Economic Growth and Wealth Creation was the topic for this Liberty Fund type discussion at Nagarkot, Nepal in August 2018. All participants understood and believed in the philosophy of Liberty and had pre-read the texts selected by the much respected moderator Dr Parth Shah from the Centre for Civil Society […]

‘Bikalpa: An Alternative’

‘Bikalpa: An Alternative’ works to spread the idea of individual and economic freedom through research, education and public engagement to create a free and prosperous society. NFS supported some of their team members to attend the very effective I Policy Training Programs run by the Centre for Civil Society in […]

The Liberty Debates Championships

Samriddhi, The Prosperity Foundation in association with Debate Nepal Network presented The Liberty Debates during 2016 – a three month long debate engagement series on ‘All Things Liberty’. It was created to engage young minds in a discussion about the concept of economic freedom, whilst also encouraging opposing arguments on […]

Winner of the Student Competition in Nepal

Lopsang Dorje Lama won the student competition in Nepal for his music video on Adam Smith’s ‘The Invisible Hand’.   “Expressing Ideas for a Free Society”, a creative competition announced by Samriddhi, The Prosperity Foundation, in early November concluded today by picking three of the most sound and creative entries […]

A competition for students in Nepal

A competition for students in Nepal to explain the ideas of one of the following five great liberal thinkers, Rand, Hayek, Smith, Bastiat and Freidman all of whom understood the relationship between economic freedom and prosperity so well.          


The vision of Samriddhi, The Prosperity Foundation in Nepal, is a free and prosperous Nepal where individuals can live a dignified life in a vibrant and democratic society with equal access to opportunities and respect for the rule of law. And its mission is to promote ideas of freedom- […]

“Samriddhi” Published an Introductory Primer in May

“Samriddhi”, the Prosperity Foundation in Nepal just published an introductory primer in May exploring the principles and practise of a free society. The texts were taken from the CD ‘ideas for a Free Society’ and translated.         Articles for Ideas for a Free Society-An Introductory Primer for […]