In Memoriam: Linda Whetstone (1942 -2021)

Robert Boyd - 31st December, 2021 “I applaud your aim to build on the success of the IEA in Europe, America and further afield.”  So wrote the Prime Minister to Antony Fisher forty years ago.  No-one did more to fulfill that aim than Linda Whetstone.   A vibrant network of now […]

Linda Whetstone

We are extremely sad to announce that Linda Whetstone, the founder, leader and cornerstone of Network for a Free Society, died suddenly in Miami, USA, on August 15th. We are joined by a large number of people across the world whose lives she touched in expressing our sorrow at her […]

Armenian Liberty Student Organization

Now called the Center for Enterprise and Opportunity agreed to run a number of student seminars in 2018 based on the book Foundations of a Free Society by Eamonn Butler which they had already translated and published.  Unfortunately there are very few people with the knowledge and experience to facilitate […]

Turkey: Freedom Research Association colloquium on Populism

This took place in Ankara on 12th - 15th October. It was a unique effort to bring together experts from different backgrounds, i.e academics, business people and civil society representatives instead of a fully academic gathering. The organization closely followed the Liberty Fund style in terms of rules and format. […]

A Big Need for More Books in Armenia

NFS has supported a number of projects in Armenia over three years including the publication of the Armenian version of Foundations of a Free Society the translation of which was organised by Arto Grigoryan of Armenia Liberty Students Organisation. Also students events run by Arto and events to educate Armenian […]

Armenian Liberty Students Organization

Armenian Liberty Students Organization REPORT LIBERTY SEMINARS 2016 ARMENIAN LIBERTY STUDENTS ORGANIZATION   The Armenian Liberty Students Organization is an Armenian non-governmental, non-profit organization with a mission to raise public awareness about liberty for changing public opinion toward more liberty by implementing informative aeducational programs. Click here to read the […]

Lessons on Liberalism for Young Armenian Lawyers

“We are a group of lawyers who want to contribute to making Armenia a free and secure place to live for ourselves and our children with a limited government, free markets and individual rights instead of the current corruption and oligarchical government. Our idea is to create a community of […]

Freedom School in Tsaghkadozor, Armenia

In December 2015 Armenia Liberty Organisation ran a successful essay competition and freedom school in Tsaghkadozor, Armenia a country which has a long way to go in liberalising its economy if people are to have the opportunities which will enable them to escape from poverty. The purpose of the event […]