The Language of Liberty team in Brazil

Glenn Cripe from Langauge of Liberty journeyed to Brazil in late May 2014, to Liberty Seminars in Porto Alegre, Pelotas, Rio Grande, Santa Maria, and Curitiba, organized by Gabriela Bratz Lamb and several campus coordinators for Brazilian Students for Liberty (EPL). Founders of Language of Liberty Glenn Cripe and Andy Eynschen travel […]

Language of Liberty Seminar in Porto Alegre, Brazil

Language of Liberty Institute and Students of Liberty held a two day seminar on April 5th in Porto Alegre, Brazil. Glenn Cripe and Andy Eyschen from LLI spoke on the History of Classical Liberal Thought with Andy also promoting entrepreneurship in another session. Yaron Brook from the Ayn Rand Institute […]

Portuguese DVD

A DVD in Portuguese was produced by, Atlas’ Portuguese platform, along the lines of the CD in English “Ideas for a Free Society�?. It includes the film by Milton Friedman, “Free To Choose�? plus many great classical liberal texts in Portuguese. The DVD was launched in three Brazilian cities […]

Freedom on the Road

“Can Capitalism be Fixed�? was the title of the 2011 Freedom on the Road campaign where the DVDs were once again distributed. There were 8 events each targeted at students and hosted on college campuses and all of them were well attended. During Ordem Livre’s stop in Curitiba, professors insisted […]

Language of Liberty in Brazil

Language of Liberty held their first event in Brazil in April 2012. Marcel van Hatten, who is Brazilian, but currently studying in the Netherlands, worked with Glenn Cripe and Andy Eyschen of Language of Liberty to make it happen. Marcel said “ We thought a big barrier would be […]

United States

The funding was raised and the CD created to provide access to classical liberal texts for people in countries where they were not otherwise available. On this basis, and as the number we could produce was limited by copyright the US was not a target area. However some organisations in […]