Linda Whetstone

We are extremely sad to announce that Linda Whetstone, the founder, leader and cornerstone of Network for a Free Society, died suddenly in Miami, USA, on August 15th. We are joined by a large number of people across the world whose lives she touched in expressing our sorrow at her […]

Promoting Freedom & Peace in South Sudan

Students for Liberty & Entrepreneurship is in South Sudan which is 185th out of 190 in the World Bank Ease of Doing Business Index. Poor security there makes travel very dangerous. In 2020 SOLE had to abandon face to face activities due to covid and online activities are limited by […]

A Breakthrough into the Universities in Tanzania

In 2020 free market think tank Liberty Sparks first published classical liberal books in Swahili which is widely spoken in Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi and South Sudan. The books were Adam Smith: A Primer and an Introduction to Capitalism by Eamonn Butler and published by the IEA. Dissemination was […]

Courses in Entrepreneurship and Economics for Ugandan High Schools

After months of planning in 2020 it was not until March 1st, 2021, that students were introduced to their new book, Entrepreneurship & Economics. The purpose of the project was to replace what had been a non-existent or even incorrect teaching of these subjects with lessons that develop an understanding […]

Improving the Environment for Enterprise in Burundi

Burundi is 166th out of 190 in the World Bank Ease of Doing Business 2020 improving that ranking is high on the agenda of the Centre for Development & Enterprise: Burundi. They are second to none in promoting a better understanding of the problems that beset would be entrepreneurs in […]

Supporting Freedom in Afghanistan

NFS has been supporting the Afghan Economic and Legal Studies Organisation in its promotion of the values of tolerance and individual freedom as the foundation for peace since it was founded in 2009.   Principally this has been through their translation and dissemination of classical liberal texts in hard and soft […]

Launch of Urdu edition of Foundations of a Free Society in Peshawar, Pakistan, February 2021 Alternate Solutions Institute

Alternate Solutions Institute has launched the Urdu translation of British Economist Eamon Butler’s book ‘Foundation of a Free Society.’ The book explores effects of freedom on human life, society, economy, and culture. The book focuses on economic freedom, market economy, property rights, individual freedom, taxation, free trade, money, and rule […]

Islam and Liberty Discussions in Kabul 2020

NFS supported a number of projects in Afghanistan in 2020 through the Afghan Economic and Legal Studies Organisation (AELSO).  These included the AELSO Academy Project, Silk Road Radio Station and printing and distribution of books and a mini library of classical liberal texts on a CD. 635 participants at the […]

Islam and Liberty Network - Making the Muslim Case for Freedom

Islam and Liberty Network - Making the Muslim Case for Freedom

Network for a Free Society has supported Islam and Liberty in a way that has underpinned its development and successes since its formation in Istanbul in 2011. This has included funding seminars, conferences, some general support and the translation and distribution of the book Islamic Foundations of a Free Society […]

Toleration, Freedom and Peace in Boko Haram Country

Global African Christians for Liberty organized this workshop in Maiduguri in the North East of Nigeria where the terrorist group Boko Haram is very active.  This is a jihadist terrorist group which is particularly brutal and make normal life extremely difficult and any escape from poverty impossible. The purpose was […]