Professor Xinguan Feng and his colleagues at the Cathay Institute for Public Affairs produced a CD in March 2012 with 27 texts on it some in both English and Chinese and some in only Chinese.
All the texts on the CD except two (at the bottom of the list) may be put up on web sites and the whole CD can be copied for friends or by teachers for their classes.
The texts on the CD will also be published as books later in 2012 by Chongqing University Press. One of the titles will be “Rules of the Economy, Legal System and Public Policy.
List of Articles on the CD |
Both in Chinese and English | |
No. |
Title |
1 |
What is Capitalism? By Ayn Rand |
2 |
Economic Freedom and Development by Wolgang Kasper |
3 |
Common Sense Economics: What Everyone Should Know about Wealth and Prosperity by James D. Gwartney, Richard L. Stroup and Dwight R. Lee |
4 |
Free Your Mind: A Beginner’s Guide to Political Economy by Sauvik Chakraverti |
5 |
How Markets Work by Israel M. Kirzner |
6 |
Economic Policy - Thoughts for Today and Tomorrow by Ludwig von Mises |
7 |
More People, Greater Wealth, More Resources,Healthier Environment by Julian Simon |
8 |
Economics:What Everyone Should Know about Economics and Environemnt by Richard L Stroup |
9 |
The Role of Property Rights as an Institution by Karol Boudreaux |
10 |
Paths to Property-Approaches to Institutional Changes in International Development by Karol Boudreaux & Paul Dragos Aligica |
11 |
Make Poverty History: Tackle Corruption by Wolfgang Kasper |
12 |
The Nature and Role of Entrepreneurship in Markets by Israel M. Kirzner and Frederic Sautet |
13 |
The Role of Institutions in Entrepreneurship by Frederic Sautet |
14 |
How Best to Cope with Climate Change? By Wolfgang Kasper |
15 |
What is the Rule of Law? By Leon Louw |
Only Chinese | |
1 |
In Praise of Non-Centralism |
2 |
The Social Dimension of Liberal Policy |
3 |
Feed the world by Douglas Southgate & William McGuire) |
4 |
More Choice Better Health: Free to Choose Experimental Drugs By Bartley·J·Madden |
5 |
The Impact of Decentralized Knowledge on Education by Peter A. Henning |
6 |
Education without the State by James Bartholomew |
7 |
Could the Globalisation of Education Benefit the Poor? by James Tooley |
8 |
Education and the Free Society by Kenneth Minogue |
9 |
An Overview of Parental Choice in Education in the United States by Jennifer Marshal |
10 |
Independent Schooling in South Africa by Jean. Redpath |
11 |
The state versus the poor- -Inequality in Education and its Reduction by David C. Berliner |
12 |
The Use of International Comparative Assessment Studies by Jaap Scheerens |
Unknown | |
1 |
The Ultimate Resource by Julian Simon. Not included for copyright reasons. |
2 |
Population Explosion-Disaster or Blessing? Peter Bauer. Not included for copyright reasons. |