

As with Arabic very few classical liberal texts had been translated into Farsi until recently. It is difficult to do as the concepts involved are not easy to explain and the right words may simply not there to use.

Network for a Free Society is working with Bardia Garshasbi who is translating the texts and also collaborating with CheragheAzadi.org the Atlas web based platform who have been working on Farsi translations for a few years.

When there are enough texts a CD will be created for distribution within Afghanistan and Iran and it is hoped that some of the books will also be published in hard copy in Iran.

Texts currently translated.

Grass Roots Capitalism Thrives in India by Barun Mitra

Islam, Civil Society and Market Economy edited by Prof Atilla Yayla

Public Choice – A Primer by Eamonn Butler

The Morality of Capitalism edited by Tom G Palmer

The Seven Principles of Sound Economic Policy by Lawrence Reed.

What is the Rule of Law by Leon Louw