The Central Asian Free Market Institute undertook the creation of the CD in Kyrgyz which includes the following texts.
Seven Principles of Sound Economic Policy | Larry Reed |
Economic Policy -thoughts for Today and Tomorrow | Ludwig von Mises |
Islam, Civil Society and Market Economy | ed Atilla Yayla |
Principles for a Free Society | Nigel Ashford |
Common Sense Economics:What Everyman should Know…. | James Gwartney, Richard Stroup, Dwight Lee |
The Law | Frederic Bastiat |
What is Capitalism | Ayn Rand |
The Nature of Government | Ayn Rand |
What is seen and what is not seen | Frederic Bastiat |
Twenty Myths about Markets | Tom Palmer |
Self Interest | Adam Smith |
Inflation | Mises |
What is the Rule of Law | Leon Louw |
How Laissexz Faire made Sweden Rich | Johan Norberg |
Some of the texts were published in hard copy including:-
Twenty Myths About Markets by Tom Palmer